Web Project Portfolio
View a few of our previous and ongoing projects from Site Revison, Inc.

HotBeanBags.com - Shopping/Furniture
Category: E-commerce
Website features include: product management, customer management, real-time order status page, credit card integration and secure server. Website hosting is also provided by Site Revision, Inc.

SVRA.com - Vintage Racing
Category: Community/Events
Complete revision of existing website for vintage racing enthusiasts. New design implemented. Custom registration system utilizing PHP & MYSQL, with credit card integration. WordPress CMS implementation as well as custom plug-in features.

Wild-Hog-Traps.com - Outdoors/Trapping
Category: E-commerce
Complete concept and development of e-commerce site. Features custom PHP programming and MYSQL Database for product inventory. Utilizes credit card integration and secure checkout.

hotBlinds.com - Shopping/Decor
Category: E-commerce
Complete development from inception. Features include a highly custom product management, unique pricing structure implementation, customer administration, order status page, credit card integration, and secure server integration.

Donley Townsend Associates, LLC - Consultants
Category: Business Website
The objective for this project was to create a simple and understated site aimed at business executives. A grayscale color scheme and clean look help achieve this. Features consist of minor JavaScript.

The GÄRTEN - Antiques
Category: Business Website
Implemtation of website from image by outside graphic artist. Custom inventory management developed in PHP. JavaScript features. Hosted by Site Revision, Inc.

Defenders of Freedom - Non Profit
Category: Non Profit
This site was created for a non-profit organization. Services include: hosting, logo design, shopping cart, credit card integration, and general graphics work.

Peter V. Lecca, D.D.S., P.C. - Dentistry
Category: Business Website
The site was intended to recreate the look and feel of the offices of Dr. Peter Lecca. It greatly familiarizes viewers with the office. The site features a virtual tour and allows users to download various forms.

Merla Leadership / LeadIt2WinIt - Leadership Training
Category: Business Website
Complete development of business website incorporating the popular WordPress content management system. Features WordPress plug-ins and many custom features (including invoice payment system).

Josh's World - Blog
Category: Personal Blog
Complete development of personal blogging website incorporating the popular WordPress content management system. Features WordPress plug-ins and many multi-media features.